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za nasmeh v mestu (Small) (Phone)

Humanitarna akcija "Za nasmeh v mestu"

Humanitarna akcija »Za nasmeh v mestu« letošnje leto poteka že sedmič. Je ena redkih humanitarnih akcij, ki vsa zbrana sredstva nameni v dobrodelne namene. Zbrana sredstva se pretvorijo v darilne bone Dobimo se v mestu, za nakupovanje v poslovnih lokalih v mestnem jedru Celja.


FILM Shooting in Slovenia

Slovenia is the most beautifull country and uniq for shootings

India Taj Mahal5
indian exress asnlo2

Art exhibitions of Sharmila from India

Sharmila Mohandas has exhibited widely in India and abroad. Her works are in distinguished private collections. She lives and works in Chennai.

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